Publication Date: 2022-09-06
The EOSC Association is the legal entity established to govern the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
It's Swiss members aim to build-up an EOSC community in Switzerland.
You are kindly invited to the kick-off event, which will take place:
Thursday 29th September, 16.00-17.15, online via Zoom (registration is not required)
The programme is as follows:
General introduction:
Part 1: What is EOSC? Objectives, EOSC Projects, Achievements
Part 2: What does EOSC mean for Switzerland? โ 3 examples
Break out rooms: community building - meet the people who work for different EOSC Task Forces, data service and infrastructure providers and domain-specific FAIR initiatives
Discussion: Next steps to build up the EOSC community in Switzerland